I am grateful to my beloved God, Gurus, Parents, Family and everyone for enriching my life’s experiences.
Karma Effect in My Startup
Karma Effect in My Startup #19 Karma is the principle of cause and effect, where a person’s ac…
Single Founder’s Dilemma
Single Founder’s Dilemma #14 After taking the big leap of deciding to start, and that too, after lea…
The Lion Sage Book For Kids
The Lion Sage Book for Kids Welcome to the wonderful world of Lion Sage for Kids! This colorful pict…
The Spiritual Path: A Journey of Transformation
The Spiritual Path: A Journey of Transformation Four years ago, my journey began with a simple Whats…
Ganapathi Thunai Jai Ganapathi
Jai Ganapathi ! Ganapathi Thunai! கணபதி துணை! ॐसोहनाविवतु। सोह नाैै ि भुनतिु । सोह वोरीय्यप॑ करवावहै…