Have you heard a common quote?
“Live in the present.”
Read the quote again. Think about it.
Hmm… you’re not thinking yet; you’re just reading!
Close your eyes. Think about it. Are you living in the present right now? Or are you thinking about the past? Or maybe you’re too focused on the future?
A software programmer knows what a constructor and destructor are. A constructor is when memory is allocated to a running application, and a destructor is called when the application finishes.
Now, let’s relate this concept to our lives. The constructor is when we are born, and the destructor is when we leave this earth. Am I making sense?
If you nodded “Yes,” hold on… I haven’t finished my point yet.
Each of us has 24 hours in a day. We wake up, live, and go to sleep. Let’s connect the constructor to your wake-up time and the destructor to your bedtime. These two aspects should not be compromised.
In this fast-paced world, an average person checks their phone over 300 times a day (a study says). That’s like every two minutes! There’s mindless scrolling and an overload of information happening all the time—Instagram reels, WhatsApp statuses, ads everywhere.
My God!
You need to constantly flush out all the unnecessary stuff. Imagine having constipation—going to the loo once every three days or a week. How would your body feel? Now think about mental constipation.
Bottom line: You need good, sound sleep. If sleep is compromised, it becomes difficult to stay in the present. Sleep is a natural process that helps flush out mental clutter. Without it, mental constipation takes over.
Here’s another tip for living in the present, given by my spiritual guru, Gurudeva:
When you catch yourself thinking about something that happened four days ago or worrying about something that may happen four days from now—without a real purpose—just STOP. Breathe deeply and slowly, matching the counts. Feel your spine. Bring yourself back to the present.
Can you try this right now?
What are you thinking about?
Is it something from four days ago? Or something four days ahead?
If yes, then… Breathe. Breathe deeply. Feel your spine.
Now, what are you thinking about?
I believe you’re reading this article. 😊 “Living in the Present: The Art of Letting Go and Staying Grounded”
if you liked this article, share it with your friends and help them to live in present.
If you have any questions or thoughts, let me know my friend.