The Joy of Family and Parenthood
All of us meet people every day. We are born into a family, and sometimes, we are blessed with siblings. Then comes a truly special phase—becoming parents! Our elders have always said, Kulandhai Selvamey Perum Selvam—a child is the greatest of all wealth. It doesn’t matter whether a child is born to us or comes into our lives through adoption—both complete a family in the most beautiful way.
The Day Our Lives Changed Forever
This day in 2007 was one such momentous occasion for our family. With an entire night of navigation, chanting Kandha Shashti continuously, and the rare (now almost unheard-of) patience of doctors waiting for a normal delivery, we held on with faith. And finally, around 6:30 AM, we became parents to a beautiful daughter—our little Vaiga Kutti!
A Father’s First Moment with His Daughter
It was an indescribable feeling—goosebumps, joy, and an overwhelming sense of love. I still remember holding her for the first time, wrapped in my grandmother’s auspicious saree. A flood of emotions ran through my mind. As first-time parents, we were unprepared, as most are, to welcome such a great soul into this world.
The Soul Chooses Its Parents
Years later, I learned from our Guru’s teachings that it is the soul that chooses its parents, not the other way around. Parents don’t bring a child into their lives; rather, they are chosen. That realization humbled me. When a soul enters the womb—at the moment of the first heartbeat—parents must be in a positive state of mind. Our rich tradition has beautifully guided us through this Sanatana Dharma, reminding us that we are not just our body, mind, or emotions but something far greater.
Thank you, Vaiga Kutti, for choosing me and Sumathi as your parents!
The Only One Who Can Make Me Cry
I have cried many times in life—for the loss of my Vellore Aaya, Periyamma, Mangai Pati, and in moments of hurt, uncertainty, and sorrow. At some point, I made up my mind—I would never cry again, not for anything! That’s not a “man thing,” right?
But in today’s world, there is only one person who can make me cry—my daughter. No one else holds that power. For every father, daughters are precious, but when the firstborn is a daughter, life itself feels complete.
Fatherhood: A Full-Time Job?
There were times I told my wife that I would quit my job at HP and become a full-time stay-at-home dad. For my daughter’s first birthday, I gifted her my time—took a day off and slept peacefully with her resting in my arms. I have carried her on my shoulders countless times, cherishing the joy of holding her close.
A Growing Family, A New Experience
I am deeply grateful to my parents-in-law and my parents for supporting us during our early days of parenthood. When our daughter was born, she was the only child, and at that time, I had no plans of having another. As a father, I poured everything I had into her. We grew together, and she became our world.
Three years later, our son was born—a little brother to our daughter! It was a new experience for her. Her world, where she was the center of our attention, suddenly changed. My wife had to care for our son, and for the first time, our daughter had to share our love. But she adjusted beautifully.
Lessons, Love, and Growth
Over the years, my daughter and I have been through so much together. At times, I was rough and tough—socially conditioned to believe that a girl should not do certain things. No one told me why, but I carried those ideas forward. Perhaps it was a form of ingrained male dominance, as my wife often pointed out in our early days of marriage.
One of our fondest memories is watching Shark Tank (US edition) together. She is a special soul—a helper, a change-maker, someone who never seeks competition but always chooses cooperation. She thinks about others before herself, a trait she must have inherited from her mother.
My Third Mother
I could go on and on about my third mother—yes, that’s how deeply she has shaped my life.
We named our Vaiga Kutti as Oviaa—which means The Art.

Happy Birthday, Oviaa!
With love,